It’s Back to School season which means a lot of great sales and shopping for parents and students but it also is an extremely busy and expensive time for teachers. Before staying home with my kids I taught High School and setting up my classroom was always a focus of my later Summer plans..there were supplies to be bought, ideas of how to set up and organize best. I averaged at least $500 a semester getting the things I needed, most of these items were not reimbursed or provided by the school. I worked in a district that didn’t have a lot of funding or had parents who could afford supplies so a lot fell on the teachers. I wanted to make sure my students had the supplies they needed and this is the case with many teachers. did a 2021 Teacher Spending Survey and discovered that the average amount that teachers spend out of pocket each year is over $500 and only 25% of families could provide supplies for their kids.
Do you know a teacher that could benefit from some extra funding?? Right now you can nominate a teacher to win $500 to spend on their classroom!! If you are a teacher you can nominate yourself. These nominations have to be done before August 19th.
This post is sponsored by Sivan Social. All comments and opinions are my own.
The link to nominate says sorry page not found?