In an effort to save money, our family is having a No-Spend Weekend! Here are a few ideas for you if you’d like to do this too!
- De-Clutter (Have you seen Tidying Up on Netflix? This is a great show for tips/tricks on decluttering and will have your house clean in no time!)
- Read a book (check out your local library)
- Try a new recipe with your kids (Let your kids cook an entire meal! My kids love doing this)
- Go on a hike (weather permitting, of course!)
- Volunteer at an animal shelter
- Play a board game with the family
What will you do to save money this weekend?!
We’re saving for a full year so you can pay for Christmas next year! We’ve set up 2 different challenges. One is more aggressive, saving $5000 in a year. The other is a little easier, saving $1000. Take part in either one, or both, and update us along the way! We’ll do giveaways as we go along too, so be watching for those!
Here is the $1000 savings plan.
Also, in January, we’ll start a shorter savings challenge where we’ll save chunks of money in 1, 2, or 3 month increments. 2019 will be a year of saving!
Want some saving tips? Check out this post!
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